So...What is in your tea bag?!

So...What is in your tea bag?!

Do you really know what is lurking in your store bought tea bags?

Dust, fanning, and ground up leaves is a lower grade tea that contains tiny remnants to make crushed up bagged tea. All tea bags are not the same and they may contain hazardous chemicals!

Yes, it is true. Go ahead and research your tea bags. Some companies sell tea bags that contain Paraquat and other harmful pesticides. This is a well known chemical that is traditionally used to kill plants.


In the United States, paraquat is classified by the EPA as “restricted use” which allows the toxic chemical to be used in the United States.


We highly recommend to stay away from nylon, silky sachets, or mesh tea bags because they are made of plastic. This also includes tea bags labeled as a food-grade nylon or polyethylene terephthalate (PET), viscose rayon, or thermoplastic. Plastic is harmful for our health and environment.


How to avoid those chemicals that are lurking in your tea bags!


Buy organic or fair trade loose leaf tea. Try making your tea the old- fashion way such as using a coffee pot to brew fresh tea, infusers or a portable tea tumbler.


If you must use a tea bag, we recommend to use biodegradable, eco-friendly and unbleached tea bags. Wellness Tea Shoppe recommends to use infusers and biodegradable tea bags! These products are available under our tea accessories section on our website!

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